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v1.3.0 (canary)

💡 You can already try out the upcoming 1.3.0 version of Relivator! Although the branch is currently named ‘canary’ – don’t pay attention to that — it’s more stable than 1.2.6!

v1.3.0-canary.0 is now published on GitHub!

Relivator 1.2.6 has lived its first day 🎉! It has already been liked by many! Thank you all for your feedback! :pray:

I stayed up all night to finally make the 1.2.6 release. The journey to version 1.2.6 was really long and tough. After the release, I took a walk and then went to sleep. This helped me come up with a temporary solution for issues, presented in 1.2.6, related to Turbopack and next-intl. For some reason, I didn’t encounter these issues during the last tests, but now they have appeared.

The simplest solution: temporarily downgrade from Next.js 15 (canary.101) to Next.js 14 (latest). So, if you already have 1.2.6, you can do this by running the command: “npx nypm add react@latest react-dom@latest next@latest sharp@latest”. However, it’s better to install the fresh Relivator update, as you’ll encounter several problems if you only run this command.

Please install this new v1.3.0-canary.0 version. This first v1.3.x version (the first Relivator’s canary branch version ever!) contains a temporary downgrade to Next.js 14 and React 19, along with some additional improvements. This update also temporarily disables some files that use new React 19 features like useActionState, but these files are not yet complete, so you won’t lose anything. This update also fixes the header’s UI on small screen widths.

By the way, using React 18 and Next.js 14 will give you a “cleaner” console when using pnpm install, as many libraries have not yet included next/react rc/canary in their peerDependencies. Additionally, if you are using pnpm, which is recommended until the full release of 1.3.0 (bun will then become the default instead), you can play around with the pnpm configuration, which is truly flexible. You can read about it in the pnpm docs article.

Stay Tuned for More Updates

This changelog is still being updated. While you’re welcome to read it now, check back later for more information. The newly revised also contains valuable insights into this update.

Git Release Notes

Full Commit Changelog:…1.2.6