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Join the Reliverse Discord

Welcome, and thank you for considering contributing to this project! Your involvement is vital to the growth and success of this open-source initiative.

This section will be enhanced soon with simpler steps to get everything ready.

Contributions are warmly welcomed! I express my gratitude to everyone who has contributed to this repository. the contributions will be recognized. If you have any questions or suggestions, please open an issue. For more information, see the contributing guide.

Please visit this special wiki page to view the full list of credits and contributors. To contribute to Versator, follow these steps:

  1. Begin by reading the “How to Install and Get Started” section on the top of this repository, and by reading page.
  2. Create a branch: git checkout -b <branch_name>.
  3. Make and commit the changes: git commit -m '<commit_message>'
  4. Push to the original branch: git push origin <branch_name>
  5. Submit the pull request.

Alternatively, check the GitHub docs on how to create a pull request.

Join the Reliverse and Versator Discord server

Getting Started

  • Fork and Setup: Initiate your contribution journey by forking the repository. Follow the setup instructions in for guidance.
  • Code of Conduct: Be familiar with my Code of Conduct. Adherence to these principles is expected from all community members.

Contribution Guidelines

  • Originality: Ensure that your contributions are entirely original work.
  • Rights: Verify that you hold the necessary rights to your contributions.
  • License Adherence: All contributions must align with the project’s licensing terms.

Pull Request Protocol

  • UI Contributions: For UI-related changes, utilize the UI Pull Request Template. Include screenshots to facilitate the review process.
  • General Contributions: For other types of contributions, employ the General Template. Provide a description of your contribution.

Bug Reporting Process

Preliminary Steps

  • Research: Confirm that the bug has not been reported already.
  • Comprehensive Information: Compile all relevant details to accurately depict the issue.

How to Submit a Bug Report

  • GitHub Issues: Utilize GitHub Issues for reporting bugs.
  • Clarity and Detail: Clearly articulate both the expected and actual behaviors, and describe the steps to replicate the bug.
  • Security Concerns: For reporting security vulnerabilities, please contact us directly at instead of using public channels.

Enhancement Proposals

Preliminary Considerations

  • Version Check: Ensure you’re working with the latest version of the software.
  • Existing Suggestions: Search GitHub Issues and my Discord Suggestions Channel to see if the suggestion has already been made.
  • Project Alignment: Assess whether the suggestion is in line with the project’s objectives.

How to Suggest Enhancements

  • Descriptive Title: Choose a title that succinctly describes the enhancement.
  • Detailed Proposal: Provide a step-by-step breakdown of the suggested enhancement.
  • Justification: Explain why this enhancement would be valuable to the project.

Making the First Code Contribution

  1. Issue Selection: Choose an issue from GitHub issues and request its assignment.
  2. Fork and Branch Creation: Fork the repository and create a new branch, naming it after the issue number.
  3. Committing Changes: Adhere to a clear commit style, referencing the issue in the PR or commit message.
  4. Submitting a Pull Request: Propose the changes through a pull request from the forked repository.

Additional Resources

Examples of Effective Commit Names

🟢 Effective Example🟡 Less Effective Example🔴 Poor Example
add(i18n): add internationalization support for RSCadded new stuffYOOOOOO
reposition cart for user conveniencefixing cart issuefixing the thing
📚 upd(docs): fix typos in READMEdoc updates(docs)Trust me bro