How to Install and Get Started: You have two options for installation. You can either immediately deploy to Vercel using the button below and start working on the generated repository right away (but still read the information below), or you can follow the short or detailed manual installation instructions provided.
By The Way: Sometimes, I gift Reliverse Pro
, which gives you early access to the Reliverse projects ecosystem, including Versator, as well as upcoming plugins, to randomly selected individuals. I also give away other interesting things. Simply star this repository
and let us know how to reach you. To join the discussion, hop into the project’s Discord.
One-click Installation Method (find recommended method below)
🔥 Important Note: Versator currently requires specifying Clerk environment variable keys, as its API has changed. I’m working on making Clerk optional again. However, all other environment variables are optional. If this statement is incorrect and something is broken, please let us know.
By using this method, you will get only the front-end, with all the functionality disabled (learn how to enable it by reading the manual instructions below):
Please note: As of version 1.2.6 and 1.3.0 (dev and canary), it is recommended to use Clerk as the authProvider (specified in the reliverse.config.ts
file) since this version has been more thoroughly tested with Clerk. I’m working on fixing and improving the stability of Auth.js (next-auth@beta/NextAuth.js) as an authentication provider.
Manual Installation: Short Method (find recommended method below)
🔥 Important Note: Versator currently requires specifying Clerk environment variable keys, as its API has changed. I’m working on making Clerk optional again. However, all other environment variables are optional. If this statement is incorrect and something is broken, please let us know.
- Node.js LTS: (A) classical method - Windows/macOS | Linux; (B) nvm - Windows | macOS/Linux; (C) fnm.
- Tools:
corepack enable pnpm
➞ VSCode ➞ Git ➞ GitHub Desktop (Windows/macOS | Linux) ➞ Stripe CLI. Windows only: PowerShell 7.4+. - Fork the repo: Download your fork using GitHub Desktop.
- Setup:
bun install && install:global && bun reli:setup
➞bun reli:vscode
➞cp .env.example .env
➞ fill in the values inside of.env
➞bun db:push
. - Run, Build, Deploy: Use
bun run dev
to run the app. Stop withCtrl+C
. Build withbun run build
. Runbun appts
to check the code. Upload to GitHub with GitHub Desktop. Deploy on Vercel.
Manual Installation: Detailed Method (recommended)
🔥 Important Note: Versator currently requires specifying Clerk environment variable keys, as its API has changed. I’m working on making Clerk optional again. However, all other environment variables are optional. If this statement is incorrect and something is broken, please let us know.
▲ Hotline: Email | Discord | Slack |
I’m (blefnk) working to automate the Versator’s installation process as much as possible. The upcoming version 1.3.0 will feature a significant automated installation. If you wish to try the alpha version of one of my many automation scripts, use the
bun deps:install
(orbun deps:install-all
) command. However, before running this script, you should manually install the essentials (edit ‘bunx jsr’ if needed):npx nypm add typescript tsx @clack/prompts @mnrendra/read-package nypm ora fs-extra pathe fast-npm-meta semver @types/semver redrun && bunx jsr add @reliverse/core
Please note: As of version 1.2.6 and 1.3.0 (dev and canary), it is recommended to use Clerk as the authProvider (specified in the reliverse.config.ts
file) since this version has been more thoroughly tested with Clerk. I’m working on fixing and improving the stability of Auth.js (next-auth@beta/NextAuth.js) as an authentication provider.
- Node.js LTS: Ensure you have Node.js LTS installed using: (a) classical method - Windows/macOS | Linux; (b) nvm - Windows | macOS/Linux; (c) fnm.
- Essential Tools: Then, run
corepack enable pnpm
to install pnpm. Also, install VSCode, Git, GitHub Desktop (Windows/macOS | Linux), and Stripe CLI. If you’re a Windows user: install PowerShell 7.4+ as well. - Project Cloning: Fork the repository or click on the
Use this template
button. Use GitHub Desktop to download it to your device. The project size is about 12MB, but ensure you have at least 7GB of disk space for comfortable work, as thenode_modules
folders require it. - Configuration: Open the project folder in VSCode. Install the recommended extensions from .vscode/extensions.json and/or install the advanced VSCode configurations by using
bun reli:vscode
(choose thedefault
preset for the best experience or theultimate
preset for the best experience). You can also refer to the ⚙️ Scripts and 🤔 FAQ RQ19 below to learn more about this script and its configurations. You can pressCmd/Ctrl+F
and search for “Q19
” if you want to install more extensions and settings (remember, more extensions mean slower VSCode). Then clickFile > Exit
(VSCode will save all your open windows). Open VSCode again. PressCtrl+Shift+P
(or justF1
) and search for>Create New Terminal
, or just press Cmd/Ctrl+Shift+~ (on Windows make sure that it uses PowerShell 7.4+, click the arrow next to + ➞ Select Default Profile ➞ PowerShell). If VSCode prompts you to allow the usage of the project’s TypeScript version, allow it if you’re a Windows user. On other operating systems, you may or may not encounter path issues. - Environment: Run
bun install
(ornpx nypm install
) and/or, optionally,install:global
to install the required packages. It is also recommended to configurereliverse.config.ts
file. Then, optionally, you can usebun deps:install-all
—especiallybun deps:install-all
(this is currently an alpha script)—to unlock some additional features, like theeslint.config.ultimate.ts
preset (which will have a.txt
extension by default starting with Versator v1.3.0). (NOTE: As of Versator v1.2.6, theultimate
preset is configured by default, so no action is required). Next, configure Versator to meet your needs using thebun reli:setup
and/orbun reli:vscode
commands, and relaunch VSCode. You have two options: deploy with zero values in the.env
file (resulting in just the frontend without features related to auth, database, pricing, etc.), or copy the.env.example
file to a new.env
file and fill in the values you want (everything is optional starting with Versator v1.2.6). It is highly recommended to fill in theDATABASE_URL
field. Then, set the database provider indrizzle.config.ts
and make changes in related files if needed. Finally, send the database schema to the database usingbun db:push
. You can learn more about databases below in the
file. - Run, Stop, Build: Run the app with
bun run dev
orbun turbo:dev
(interactive but unstable). Visit http://localhost:3000 to check it out. Stop it by focusing on the console and pressingCtrl+C
. After making changes, build the app usingbun run build
orbun turbo:build
. Don’t worry if you see warnings related to Clerk, React Compiler, Babel, next-auth, etc. when running the build; these are known issues not related to Versator. Note that when using the bun turbo:build command, the VSCode terminal may not exit automatically. If this happens, press Cmd/Ctrl+C to close the process manually. - Check, Commit, Deploy: To check if the current codebase meets @reliverse/standard, run
bun appts
(orbun appts:noputout
, orbun turbo:appts
, orbun appts:nobuild
). Learn more about project scripts in the next section. If everything is fine, upload the project to your GitHub profile using GitHub Desktop. Finally, deploy it by importing the project into Vercel, making the website publicly accessible on the internet. Alternatively, you can usebun deploy
or justvercel
to preview and inspect the local deployment without committing to GitHub every time.
It is recommended: From time to time, run bun reli:prepare
. This script executes bun install
, which checks for issues or installs/removes manually added/removed dependencies in your package.json
file. It also executes bun latest
, which installs the latest versions of project dependencies. Finally, it runs bun appts
, which will do its best to improve your code and check for any errors. Note: Since bun latest
updates all packages to their latest versions, be aware that something in the code might break, especially if considerable time has passed since the last version of Versator was released. Therefore, you can use, for example, the VSCode extension Open Multiple Files
to easily find and fix broken code, or reach out to the Versator Discord server for assistance, or create a GitHub Issue. You can learn more about those scripts and the mentioned extension below in the current
If you’d like to share your work, get/provide feedback, or ask for help, feel free to do so either in my Discord server or via GitHub discussions. Note: Currently, the instructions above may be outdated. Please contact us if something goes wrong; everything will be updated in Versator 1.3.0.