We’re Growing Fast! A Huge Thanks to All My Supporters!
Developing something as ambitious as Versator takes a lot of time, especially since the project is primarily developed by just one person. The development could be significantly accelerated by hiring additional developers. Therefore, @blefnk (Nazar Kornienko), the author of this project, would be immensely grateful to anyone who can donate to the project in any amount. A big thank you to everyone in advance!
Visit the “Donate to Versator” page to learn more.
Versator is currently sponsored by the following awesome people/organizations:
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Love using this project? If you find this project useful, I’d appreciate a cup of coffee. You’ll get Reliverse Pro, access to some private repositories, pre-release downloads, and the ability to influence my project planning. Please click on the donation platforms above to learn more. Thank you, everyone, for any kind of support!
I retrieve your data from donation and related platforms. If you do not wish for certain information about you to be included here, please contact me.
- @devmarauda (Discord: kongkong86 | Name: Daniel Humphreys)
- @svict4 (Discord: svict4 | Name: Simon Victory)
- @mfpiano (Discord: mfpiano | Name: Petro Melnyk)